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Winter Work Party

  • 15 Dec 2012
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Meet at the picnic tables near the Docks
  • 5


  • Prepare the rubrails for reapplication to the sides of the boats. These volunteers may be using razor blades and/or sharp chisels and must have a strong working knowledge of how to use these tools. Volunteers will remove the old sealant from the rubrails and from the sides of the vessel, also using Acetone to clean up the residue. Volunteers must wear nitrile gloves during the cleaning process.
  • A team of two will apply Antifouling Paint to one of the DSC's power vessels. The Power Squadron is used for many of our programs, including education, racing, access-ability sailing, and our outreach programs. This team of two will need to wear respirators, gloves, and have a strong working knowledge of painting, including the use of one-part paints.
  • Jared and Friends have spent a lot of time prepping the rudders for the day fleet. All that is left for this team to do is to swap out the tillers and a few hardware parts and install the rudders onto the transoms using yellow zip ties to secure the pins. Volunteers must have a strong working knowledge of how to use marine sealant, basic hand tools such as box wrenches and rubber mallet, and have good on-the-boat safety.
  • Jazz had lots of stubborn old varnish stuck to the surface of her brightwork. Thanks to volunteer efforts, her wood has been stripped, cleaned, and is ready for protective oil. This team of two must be able to carefully mask around the brightwork and lightly paint the specially-formulated teak oil into the wood, using a denatured alcohol spray bottle and rags to wipe up any runs on the boat.
  • In an effort to beautify our facility, we are going to paint the containers a uniform color this spring with hopes to design a mural for the future. Pressure-washing will remove loose paint and dirt from the container and help us prepare the surface for painting. The operator must have a working knowledge of pressure-washer usage, including the knowledge of how to check the oil levels, fuel levels, and how to troubleshoot problems. The volunteer must be comfortable wearing eye protection and hearing protection and must be able to operate the machinery in a safe manner.
  • In order for us to trailer our boats, we need to remove the rigs and store them safely. This team of three will remove the masts from the boats, inspect the rig for signs of wear, and label everything properly so it can be put back together. This team needs to have a strong working knowledge of standing rigging, how to use a 'gin-pole', how to ease and tension standing rigging, and how to properly inspect for physical damage to the rig.
  • These are the last boats in the fleet that need a good scrubbing to remove the heavy marine growth build-up on the bottoms of our boats. Attach a line to the spin and jib halyards and haul the boats over on their ears to facilitate scrubbing. This occasional maintenance task keeps our boats in the best shape possible and helps them sail quickly and efficiently through the water.

Registration is closed
Put on the gloves and don that respirator! It's time to go to work!

The Fall Work Parties were successful in improving the sail-ability and function above-decks - with a special focus on the winches and brightwork on our daysailors. Volunteers learned how to mask, sand, 

The Winter Work Parties are going to focus on improving the boats BELOW the waterline! This means lots of sanding and meticulous cleaning, masking, and painting.

For this Saturday, one team will work on sanding a hull while the other team will drop, break down, and store the rigs of two boats.

For those not interested in the hard, physical labor of sanding or lifting, there are still many projects to be completed on the topsides of the boats.

During this season of giving, please consider giving some of your physical efforts to make these boats shine!

Also, don't forget to stick around for Frostbiting to follow. Sharpen your sailing skills and meet a new friend this Saturday!


The Downtown Sailing Center

Est 1994
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 727-0722 •