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Become a YGR 24 Sponsor

We would not be able to continue our mission of making the sport of sailing accessible to everyone without the generosity of all of our devoted sponsors. Become a Ya Gotta Regatta 24 sponsor today, and see how your donations can make a difference. 

  • $10,000 provides funding to purchase two reefable Sonar mainsails, allowing multiple Community Engagement and other program participants to sail safely in winds over 12kts.
  • $5000 provides us the ability to get an additional Hansa online for Access-ability sailing and our Hansa race team
  • $2000 provides funding to purchase and install a second hoyer lift at our Accessible docks
  • $1000 provides one adult member scholarship
  • $500 provides one summer camp scholarship

Sponsorship has benefits for your organization, too!  See the table below for the benefits at each sponsorship level.

Email or phone 410-727-0722 with any sponsorship questions or inquiries.

Sponsorship benefits

*In lieu of a logo mainsail, private sponsors will receive naming rights of a boat for 1 year.

**A digital article about YGR and its sponsors will be published in Baltimore Magazine, with corresponding, dedicated email blasts to Baltimore Magazine's contact list

Need More Incentive?

To show our appreciation for their generosity, the Downtown Sailing Center would be honored to invite our top three sponsors/donors ($12k+) for a tour of the race and to attend the Regatta awards ceremony! 

Watch our adaptive and one-design fleet races and witness for yourself the amazing event and programming your donations are sponsoring!

Meet some of the racers during the awards ceremony and hear stories of the transformative power sailing has had on their lives.


The Downtown Sailing Center

Est 1994
1425 Key Highway, Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 727-0722 •